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From Metrics to Meaning: Communicating Marketing's Impact for Internal Teams

Founder of Orchid Agency
Marissa Lodato
September 9, 2024
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For B2B startups, marketing isn't just about generating leads—it's about proving value across the entire organization. Yet, many marketers struggle to communicate their impact in ways that resonate with internal teams. According to a survey by HubSpot, 65% of marketers say their biggest challenge is demonstrating the effectiveness of their marketing activities to executives. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can move from just presenting metrics to delivering real meaning that drives decision-making and garners internal support. 

But first, why are so many marketing teams struggling to communicate their value?

Marketing teams often find it difficult to communicate their value for several reasons:

  1. Complex Data: Marketing generates a lot of data across many channels, making it challenging to distill this information into clear, actionable insights. A report by eMarketer found that 40% of marketers say they are overwhelmed by the volume of data they handle. This flood of information can obscure the story behind the numbers, making it harder to present a clear and compelling impact.
  2. Disconnect with Non-Marketers: We often see a gap between the metrics marketers use and what other departments care about. For example, 60% of marketing teams struggle to align their metrics with the needs of sales and other departments, according to a study by Salesforce. Sales teams might focus on lead quality rather than quantity, while executives are more interested in how marketing contributes to revenue growth.
  3. Lack of Standardization: Without standardized reporting practices, marketing teams may struggle with inconsistent data presentations. A survey by The Content Marketing Institute revealed that 53% of B2B marketers use inconsistent or ad-hoc metrics, which can lead to fragmented or misleading reports.
  4. Overemphasis on Activity Over Outcomes: Marketing reports frequently focus on activities like the number of campaigns, social media posts, etc. rather than outcomes like revenue generated, customer retention, etc. 
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Strategies for communicating marketing’s impact for internal teams:

1. Translate Metrics Into Business Value

Start with metrics that matter most to the leadership team. While impressions and click-through rates are valuable, they’re often too abstract for non-marketing colleagues. Instead, focus on metrics that connect marketing activities to revenue. For example, show how a campaign’s performance contributed to new customer acquisitions or increased customer lifetime value (CLV).

A recent study by Demand Gen Report found that 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during the purchase process, and 77% are willing to share their contact information for white papers. Translating these content-driven leads into projected revenue allows you to communicate more effectively about the ROI of your marketing efforts.

2. Align Your Messaging with Team Goals

To ensure your marketing efforts are appreciated, align your updates with the goals of different teams. For instance, the sales team cares about qualified leads, not just lead volume. Research from Marketo shows that companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 208% more revenue from marketing efforts. Use this alignment to your advantage: present metrics like Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) or conversion rates, and highlight how your marketing strategies are optimizing these numbers to support sales objectives.

Consider setting up regular cross-department meetings to discuss shared goals, marketing outcomes, and how these translate to specific objectives across the company. This not only increases transparency but also positions marketing as an essential partner in achieving broader business goals.

3. Use Stories, Not Just Statistics

Numbers can tell a story, but only if you present them in a relatable context. For instance, instead of stating that a webinar generated 200 leads, tell the story of how a specific campaign addressed a major pain point for potential clients and resulted in a 50% increase in SQLs.

Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone, according to a study by Stanford University. By framing your statistics within compelling narratives, you can turn dry data into memorable insights that showcase your team's contributions.

4. Visualize Data for Better Understanding

Don’t just present data—bring it to life with visuals. A study by the Wharton School of Business found that using data visualization tools can reduce meeting time by up to 24%. Infographics, charts, and heat maps can make complex data sets easier to digest, helping internal teams grasp your marketing impact quickly.

Tools like Google Data Studio or Tableau are perfect for creating dashboards that show real-time metrics, which can be easily shared with stakeholders, keeping everyone updated and engaged.

5. Leverage Feedback to Refine Your Approach

Grab feedback from internal teams to refine how you communicate marketing impact. What metrics resonate most? Are there areas where additional context would be helpful? Use this feedback to adjust your reporting and demonstrate that you’re responsive to the organization’s needs. Hint- Try adding a 15-minute weekly standup meeting with your key stakeholders to keep everyone in the loop.

According to research from Capterra, companies that engage in feedback loops with their stakeholders see a 15% increase in cross-departmental collaboration and efficiency. Regularly asking for and implementing feedback positions your team as adaptable and aligned with the company's mission.

Final Thought: Make Your Impact Unmissable

Marketing’s value is undeniable when communicated effectively. By translating metrics into business outcomes, aligning with team goals, telling compelling stories, visualizing data, and leveraging feedback, you ensure that your internal teams understand—and champion—the impact of your marketing efforts.

Ready to make your marketing metrics more meaningful? Let’s start turning numbers into narratives that drive success across your organization.